Joy – Beautiful by nature

Print, Campaign, Skincare

beatifulby nature

Joy is a major Indian skincare brand, deeply committed to philosophy of "Beautiful by Nature." The brand's philosophy revolves around nurturing the natural beauty that every individual is born with. Over the years, Joy has become a trusted name in skincare, offering a wide range of products that cater to diverse needs while embracing the idea that true beauty comes from within.

Joy's Durga Pujo campaign was designed to challenge the societal stereotype that pits 'beauty' against 'brains,' often forcing women into a binary choice between the two. With a deep belief in its philosophy, Joy aimed to convey that beauty and intellect are not mutually exclusive; every woman is beautiful in her own unique way and has the right to knowledge and self-expression. The campaign sought to empower women by celebrating their individuality, both in terms of their appearance and their achievements.

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Drawing inspiration from the famous quote "Rupe Lokhhi, Gune Saraswati," often used to describe the ideal woman, we reinterpreted this notion to challenge the societal standards imposed on women. The campaign highlighted that Lokkhi is not only revered for her beauty but also for her myriad talents, and Saraswati is not just a symbol of wisdom but also of grace and beauty. This reinterpretation led to the creation of Joy's campaign 'Rupe Ami, Gune Ami,' which celebrates the uniqueness of every woman. The campaign emphasised that no woman should have to compare herself to another or conform to societal standards. Instead, Joy encouraged women to define their own beauty and success, celebrating who they are in their entirety.

Linc Glycer

Packaging, Brand Identity, Stationery